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F%$! Basecamp.






route creation is too much of a pain in the a$$ for the computer challenged. I have plugged routes into my GPS successfully, but hats off to those that create routes. I'm not smart enough.



that is all.




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Marty Hill

That's funny. I gave up years ago. Thought I was the only less than genius on the board. PS, hi.

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This WILL SOLVE your BaseCamp problem. It did for me. The link below is a set of twenty-two tutorials by Don Norwood that thoroughly explains how BaseCamp works. It takes a while to go through each video tutorial (you will do some more than once because they so informative) but if you go through all of them, you will understand how it all works. Don Norwood is extremely knowledgable with BaseCamp.


This set of tutorials took me from literally hating BaseCamp to it now being my go-to routing program. It is a lot more powerful than you think. Let us know what you think. Here is your solution:



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I switched to Basecamp in 2010 (I had to, as I made the move from PC to Mac). Certainly a learning curve, but I long ago reached the point where I like it (quirks and all), and it does what I need it to do. I find creating routes a breeze.

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F%$! Basecamp.






route creation is too much of a pain in the a$$ for the computer challenged. I have plugged routes into my GPS successfully, but hats off to those that create routes. I'm not smart enough.



that is all.




Real Navy Men do it old school...



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believe or not, when I was doing some quals underway I had to use a sextant and shoot positions from star charts . The Senior chief quarter master took special pleasure in having ensign oudekerk on the signal bridge at 0400.....

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Marty Hill

That's amazing. 4 years of sea duty on the bridge and I never saw a sextant. Maybe it was there but they didn't trust me?

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Had to shoot lines of position to shore for channel navy also. My merchant marine capt grandad got a kick out of that. He sailed the north atlantic'42-44 and lived. I miss that guy.


Incidentally, after not having taught basic navigational techniques like star positions, sextant, etc for many years... The Academy has brought all that stuff back into the curriculum secondary to the concern over vulnerabilities with GPS satellites and JO's complete current reliance on those systems.

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Glenn Reed

My FIL (Frank) was flying Lockheed Constellations for the US Navy in a squadron that was part of the Pacific Barrier in the late 50's.


This was well before GPS, so they had to track their position via the sextant. One night he was serving as navigator. The pilot had requested their position several times, and Frank finally replied "I'm not sure where we are now, but if we were here yesterday, I could tell you exactly!"


Then he started checking again on the correct page in the Naval Almanac to get their position for that night.

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MY Garmin Zumo 665 is in on the freeway near Atlanta where I threw it to its death . I will never buy another Garmin again. Whomever, writes the algorithms for Basecamp obviously has never to been to a US city in their life (india). Countless times I was taken off 70 mph highways in and around major cities in the US and Canada and then routed through the slow speed surface streets and 100 stop lights on the route through the "hood". I called and spoke with Garmin asking "wtf' did they do? We checked every setting, updated firmware, cleared it, reloaded regional maps, three times. Never worked. The last time it was alive I was coming from TN down I-75 south heading to Florida. I hit Atlanta at a bad time and without panic and knowing there is the wonderful full circle bypass highway, I continued around the downtown area. The bitch in the box spent 15 minutes recalculating and trying to reroute me off the perfectly good 70 mph highway which on the garmin map simply reconnected back to I 75 south in a matter of minutes. I now use my iphone 6 with google maps which can be routed on and offline. It works, its free, needs no updates and gets you there with voice prompts. Granted I don't do off road and trails but it works for me. Garmin really screed themselves with basecamp.

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Very nice old brass sextant!! Lots of these were sold as scrap for the brass. Nice magnifier on the vernier. Dad used one similar to this all over the pacific in '44-45.

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Zumoforums is a big help when trying to figure out how to use Basecamp. Not only is there a lot of good, useful information there, there's a good support group always willing to help.

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