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Unveiling My New Idea - Need Feedback Please


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As some of you know, I've been publishing my reviews of various motorcycle gear and accessories in magazines like Motorcycle Consumer News, BMW Owner's News, Rider, Thunder Press, and others for about 13 years. I've got somewhere between 90-100 articles out there by now. I recently had an idea to revisit some of those reviews to show the durability of the tested products, as well as new farkle tests, but in a video format. So, having literally zero experience with photography, editing, or making videos, I started late last week. It's been a learning experience, but I have a few videos almost ready to go. I've made a short trailer here



My goal here is to supplement my articles with video by having my own Youtube channel, where I can interact with my readers more directly than print allows. I also want to democratize the process of product testing, by having a regular poll to ask subscribers what THEY want to see tested, so I can dig into what people really want to see.


This site is my oldest and most trusted motorcycle forum. I think I've been here about 10 years now and made friends here. I haven't told anyone else about this yet. I haven't "gone public" with it, or made a Facebook page, or marketed it in any way yet. I'm not planning on stepping on my editors' toes or circumventing them - but I do plan to show you guys what happens to some of this gear after a year or two, after 5 figure mileage is on it, so you can make better decisions about what you buy. As you can imagine, it's going to be "BMW-centric" since that is what I generally ride the most.


My format is simple - 4 minutes or less, fact-based supplements to my articles, and a small editorial at the end with my final verdict on a product. I'm literally a one man show here with an old point and shoot camera and a free video program I'm fumbling my way through, so this isn't going to be Revzilla level production. And, by the same token, I'm not selling you anything, either....


The "dream" part is to put some of this process into my own hands and remove any layers between my readers and I. I want to be very interactive, to learn what people want to know about, and to report on it in a way they trust and value.


So, what do you think? Any advice before I go live? Once I hear from you, I've got another day or two to put into this before I post my first video.



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20 years ago this wouldn't work. Now you can earn access to viewers just as easy as the "big dogs". If it is good content, your viewer numbers will grow. Sometimes faster than you expected. Would be hard to do this with a magazine like the old days.


Consider a section on your channel for viewer content. They could send you their GoPro or other HD camera content and you could decide to post it....or not!

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Hello moshe


I believe you are a renascence man. You have your feet on the ground and your eye on the ball with a inspirational look toward the future.


With your new approach along with your past experience and well established reputation you have an excellent chance at total success.


I'm sure there many of us that wish you every success and look forward to taking this journey with you.


Go break a leg!



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I like it.


The idea of an unbiased review system works for me on several levels. Think Consumer Reports focussed on motorcycles and accessories.


I hope the concept embodies conclusions, rating systems etc. I value reviews that come to a conclusion... not some generalized and inconclusive ending. In other words... call it "crap" if its crap. Otherwise the things with good reviews lose their meaning.


It may be tougher than you think. There is an old saying that "What you see depends on where you stand". So... one way to deal with that is to get clear about what your expectations are for any product or class of products. You may value performance, I may value ease of use. etc.


and... I suggest some sort of index... some compendium of previous reviews with links. The user needs some way to know if a product has been reviewed... without relying on the Youtube search box.


lastly, you will need a good lawyer....

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Good advice. Yes, I already have a ratings system, for Functionality, Value, and Durability. I discuss "performance" in the reviews.


I like the idea of a website that allows simple searches. I'll work on that.


As for the lawyer bit, I hope not. I've always been as honest as I can be in my reviews, even if sometimes a vendor gets dinged.



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Subscribed. Looking forward to it!


There's a fairly successful guy on youtube that I was watching for a while on a different topic (woodworking and homesteading). Search for wranglerstar. Some of his videos are better than others, but if you're a novice youtuber, you might pick up some pointers with his style, and candid commentary. Maybe add a few "just for fun" videos so the whole thing doesn't wind up being too dry.


I found his topics interesting, he had some well done videos and I learned some good stuff. But I had to stop watching because at some point he got off topic and started incorporating his political and religious beliefs into his videos. That really killed it for me. (So there's one landmine that you should avoid....)


Off the top of my head, you might try to get video of yourself or others actually using the gear, and point out where the good/bad points are, when that particular feature shines or fails. An obvious example is rain gear. video yourself using it in a storm, putting it on, taking it off, etc. and make comments about the product throughout.


I find this sort of approach much more useful and educational than the typical sales pitch with the product sitting on the bench and a guy pointing to the "features".


Good luck with your new project. I'm sure it will be fabulous.





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Love it !! Looking forward to it and being from NJ what better than the opinion of someone from the Garden State!

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Thanks guys. I don't really watch many reviews (I don't want them to color my opinion before I write articles) but this is some good advice. I'll tell you this: I never thought much of talking heads on TV, but try riffing off the cuff on camera. It's not so easy! It's not digging ditches, but it can be frustrating. The editing is very time consuming also. Everything is improving exponentially with each new vid - getting better. I was dry and stiff at first and now a little more of "me" is coming out, so hopefully you guys will stick with me 5-10 videos when we should be rolling smoothly.


The equipment is also getting an upgrade. I am using a 5 year old point and shoot cam, $15 tripod that came free with a video cam 10 years ago, etc. Now I've got a new Go Pro on the way and some other odds and ends to look more professional.


I like the idea about rain gear and actually have a set here to test for vid after the print version is published. I'll try to make it as "real" as I can. I'm not after glitz and glam. I just want to show riders what works and what doesn't based on my experience. I'm going to show you stuff that's been in regular duty for 1-2 years, so you can see how it holds up. That's what I don't see other people doing enough of.


The biggest thrill for me with me the feedback. I'm so insulated at the magazines. Letters come in months after I write the pieces, and the editors may or may not let me see them to respond... With video, I will know right away what people think, and be able to speak to them in real time. That's pretty cool!



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While I have a good camera with HD movie recording, the last video I done was with the Go Pro. Being able to network it onto the wifi and watch/glance at the tablet that displays real time from the camera was worth the negatives of the Go Pro!

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No pressure, but I just subscribed to your channel. Which makes it the first youtube channel I've subscribed to :) ever.


:lurk: josh

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Thanks guys. Yes, I have a Go Pro on the way too. Should be here any day. I don't see how I can make anything compelling on a bike without one. You'll have to forgive the very first video, where my "action shot" was taken with my 5 year old point and shoot secured to the bike.... Hopefully you guys will stick with me as I "evolve" and get better.



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Hank in WV

Since I'm not entirely comfortable living in this century, can someone tell me exactly what is going to happen since I subscribed to this?

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Don't worry, nothing will explode. Basically, it means you'll be notified (if you so choose) when I upload a new video review, which will be at least once per week. You can then choose to watch it, or not. I hope that you do, and that you enjoy it, and give me some good feedback if you don't. Thanks!



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I'm not sure, but I think in general to subscribe you do need to "register" with Youtube. Just create an account. That's so you can comment, give thumbs up or down, etc. Much like joining this forum, to participate you have to "join" as it were.



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