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First Episode of Moto Mouth Moshe is on tonight


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New to the site, but have been involved in media marketing and communications for over 30 years.


First of all, nice job. Clear, concise and no extended intro that's cute the first time and annoying all the other times.


Targeting 3-4 minutes is perfect


Editing is clean and crisp and the audio levels are even and clear. That is a must.


Only critiques I have is all the captioning isn't necessary. Example: Your purchasing a GoPro has nothing to do with a helmet review. It did draw my attention away from the review, though.


Remember your audience is smart. Give them the benefit of the doubt noticing the D-Rings moving. If the movement needs to be "enhanced", do a cut shot to show the movement or speed up the video frame rate in post to demonstrate.


Maybe its a personal preference, but I didn't care for the sunglasses in the studio shots. Even through a monitor or TV screen, I like to see people's eyes. It's more personal and I think makes the speaker more personable. Afterall, you are asking complete and total strangers to trust you.


Finally, all the web links in the credits really do nothing to help me get to those sites. I'm not going to write them down with a pencil. Put them in the video description so I can directly click on them and make a reference to them in the credits to remind me. I think you will have more success.


Great effort.


Production can be grueling, frustrating and cruel at times. I can see the time and effort you put into it.

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Wow... GREAT feedback Sir! Thanks!!


As I mentioned before, I don't know a thing about the art of production. Learning, learning, learning!


I used the sunglasses, I must admit, so I could glance at my cue cards that I set up on a stand. Whenever I did it without the glasses, I could see myself glancing away from the cam. When I tried to "memorize" what I was trying to say, I took 10,000 takes and all were bad. My first time - yes - I took about 8 hours to produce a tiny 4 minute video! I could have written 4 articles in that time!


Thanks for the advice on the links, too. I tried hard to embed them in the video itself, and failed. I had only 20 minutes to do that before 10pm because the vid took much longer than I thought it would to load. So in the end, the only success I had there was to embed the links to social media on the Youtube banner. I'll try to figure out these "annotations" and "cards" for next time.


I'm going for the opposite of glitz and glam. Revzilla and many others also do glitz and glam. I'm also finding out that my target audience, according to the analytics, is me. 35-55 years old, and on Facebook. This is a great relief to me, because to be honest I really don't much like those other social media platforms catering to the younger crowd. 160 characters, pictures only, etc. Not very entertaining to me.


Noted on the captions, too. I added them at the last minute as I was freaking out that maybe the viewer wouldn't notice things, or get upset that my "action shot" was my 5 year old point and shoot attached to my handlebar instead of a proper Go Pro.


I really REALLY appreciate your advice. I do hope you give me much more as we go on. Thanks!



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Watch the local news, especially the live remotes. They look at their notes all the time. But it is a trade off ... if you have to reference notes all the time you might appear to not really know what you are talking about.


You know this information. Trust yourself and talk/tell some one and not the camera. You can tell me over a cup of coffee everything I want to know about that helmet. Talking to the camera will mess with your head.


To ensure you hit all the points you want to make, write out the ideas in bullet form with a sharpie and tape the "cue card" to the lense shade. Move the camera back and zoom in. The amount of eye movement is less at a distance than when up close.


If you must use cue cards for a segment, be casual. When talking to me over coffee, you will normally look off in the distance to formulate a thought or response. Its natural. Look down, look left ... be casual.


And slow down. Folks need time to absorb. Pause and breath.


Any handheld stuff, get close ... really close and hang a wide shot. hand movement is less dramatic and less noticeable. It why you see reporters "in the face" of folks being interviewed.


The description portion of the youtube interface allows for hyperlinks. But you have to direct the audience's attention their.


Some production techniques on the cheap ...


Buy a cheap timer where the dial moves to do a 360 view. Use epoxy and attach a flat surface to the dial, lay it on its back set the time for full rotation, set the camera and let it go. The shot might take an hour to record, but you can speed that up in post.


I saw your umbrellas in the reflection. do you have the room to hang white bed sheets and bounce the light off of a white wall and then through the sheet (diffusor)? that will soften the light quite a bit. If not, don't worry about it. It's a subtle thing that only us production geeks would notice. LOL


The camera you used seems to do a really great job. I would continue to use it for studio and audio recording ... even voice overs. Use the GoPro for cut shots and B-roll.


Put that GoPro on the timer table and get some fabulous time lapse movement shots.


And speaking of VOs, record them in the same environment you do the on-camera segments. That way all the background levels are the same.


Fantastic job for a first timer. Looks a heckuva lot better than my first attempt.

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I just watched your video. Overall, a very nice job. I'm 55, so I hope that you expand your target age group beyond 35 year olds. Maybe a video on adult pampers while riding..... LOL


I agree with the previous comments regarding the sunglasses. IMHO It would be better without them in the interior shots. Also, giving your first review all 5's? You really had no negative comments at all? Might be construed as a paid advertisement? It reminded me a little of messages on the message boards when someone asked what windshield is the best, and the replies are the one that they own. Also, I don't recall a mention of what shape head the helmet is made for. All that aside, I thought it was a great first effort. I look forward to watching more of your reviews.



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Hi Guys-


Thanks for all the comments.


1) My more technical bro in law just taught me how to add a "card" to the video, so now the viewer can simply click on that link to see it.


2) Noted on the sunglasses. I'll work on it. Yes, I can speak at great length on the products, but alone in the front of the camera for some reason I paused, stammered, and had all sorts of weird outtakes. I like writing better - much easier!


3) Re the ratings I purposely chose something I was really happy with for the first vid, rather than being critical. There are many products I will be critical of coming up, but I figured people would want to see what actually works.


4) This helmet fits much like my "intermediate oval" Arais do. If you like that shape, you will be happy here.


I'll try to incorporate some of these other ideas. Just one guy and an old Canon G15 in my basement with a $50 Amazon light kit. What the hell do I know? lol.....



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Hey Moshe, I think you are really on to something there. One of my favorite mags, MC News, is dying a slow death with out an editor and the reviews are not as they once were. Let's face it, youtube and other such media are the future. Good luck and I bet you are going to have an amazing following.


All the best!! And if you want to move to NC, come on down. :-)

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By "MC News" did you mean Motorcycle Consumer News? If so, there's a new sheriff in town there, and he seems to me to be an A+ guy. I've sent in quite a few articles there lately myself. Give him a few issues to sort things out and come out swinging. Thanks for the kind words!



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