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Seat decision

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Hi all. After a couple years mulling it over, decided to upgrade and replaced the 02RT with a 12RT.

Really like it so far, except of course the stock seat. 71.5 miles and I'm squirming and the Mrs. isn't far behind. Have an appointment with a custom seatmaker but I'm also considering a corbin. We've had pretty good luck with them but I'm a little leary about plunking the money for the heated version and having it not work out. The seats are quite different between the 1150 and 1200.

Which leads me to a request. We have a 300 or so mile ride coming up next Saturday. Was wondering if anyone in the Seattle area might have a 1200 Corbin set up they would be willing to let us borrow for the day. Can PM me or just call. 360-914-2536.


Any other input is welcome.

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While I have not had a 2012 RT with a Corbin, I have had Corbin seats on 3 different bikes.


Save your appointment with the custom seat maker. If you are going to keep the bike for a while, money spent on a really good seat is worth it. There is simply no comparison between an off the shelf seat and a custom made seat.

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Thanks Terry. I DO plan

on keeping this bike for a stretch. Probably into retirement which should open up some time for more and longer trips. About $350 difference which i'll forget about pretty quick if the seat is good. Appreciate the input.

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Never tried the Corbin, only replaced my seats with the Russell Day Long - I know, pricey and you wait for your pan to be returned, but they are sooo worth it.


This of course is just my $0.02


Russell Day Long

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I have had corbin seats, they are heavy and uncomfortable, Russel is a good choice but my favorite is Seth Laam, do a ride in and he will treat you right

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Being in clinton, you must be planning to see Rich.


That guy is a genius. Get in there, see the wizard, and never look back. My wife and I rode 6000 miles on his seats, and our butts were ready to turn around and do it again.


He will give you some sporting grief about whatever strikes him (he can come across as an ass), but just give it right back, and you'll be instant pals.

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Hey Eric, still hangin around Jackson Park? Yes, Richs it is. Im counting on the seat being great, it's the price that makes my butt hurt right now. I do know for sure, you can't put a price on a happy ass when traveling. Ended up with a Corbin on the 02 and it was fine for our usual daily mileage. Think I'll follow through with Rich.

Reread our conversation from a few years ago and you made some good points.

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I've had both a custom seat and a Corbin and finally a RDL. I managed to find a used RDL and I have to tell you it is by far the best seat I've had. Stock, everyone knows about those, Corbin is, in my opinion, too wide for my 30" inseam legs and it hurts me with my feet down. The RDL is just plain comfortable. Look for a used RDL that includes the passenger seat and you and your wife will be soooo much happier.

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+1 on Rich's seats. I had him do one on my old K1200LT (traded for my 2015 RT), then last fall the SO and I rode up to Kingston and had him do my RT. We stayed one night at his apartments above the shop...very nice.


Agree...if he gives you shit, give it back and you'll be buds for life. He is a genius with seats and the cost is forgotten after your first long day in the saddle.

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Thanks guys. Could well be the last bike of this genre for us so might as well go for the custom fit. Did 300 a couple weeks ago on the stock saddle and thought I might have to hide the gun from myself.

Went thru your area in April powwow on a loop thru n.cal. and Oregon. lots of pretty country and good roads.

Thanks for the input.

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I have a Corbin on my R1200GS and I like the seat it is wider, and while harder it stays comfortable longer.


On the GS the Corbin seat height is not adjustable, which I don't like, and it is pretty low. I am thinking of riding to Corbin to have them raise it a bit.


So on the plus side it looks great and is comfortable (more comfortable than the stock seat). On the negative it is not height adjustable.

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Thanks guys. Could well be the last bike of this genre for us so might as well go for the custom fit. Did 300 a couple weeks ago on the stock saddle and thought I might have to hide the gun from myself.

Went thru your area in April powwow on a loop thru n.cal. and Oregon. lots of pretty country and good roads.

Thanks for the input.


If you ever come back through Bend in the summer, McKenzie pass is a must ride...incredible twisties.


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Hey Eric, still hangin around Jackson Park?....


Nope. I got a job and we moved to Kona. Been there a year and a half. The wife likes it, I hate it. Shes ready to go tho, and i've been working on getting a job so we can move back. Prolly not Seattle tho. Lived there for 25 years, and that's enough. I hear Montana nice this time of year...


Let us know how the visit with rich turns out. Tell him I said hi, and I did get a new tire like he told me to. (That was back in 2007 maybe)


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Thanks guys. Could well be the last bike of this genre for us so might as well go for the custom fit. Did 300 a couple weeks ago on the stock saddle and thought I might have to hide the gun from myself.

Went thru your area in April powwow on a loop thru n.cal. and Oregon. lots of pretty country and good roads.

Thanks for the input.


If you ever come back through Bend in the summer, McKenzie pass is a must ride...incredible twisties.


Ill put that on my list Powwow. Always looking for good curves and scenery. You can lead. :grin: Rode hiway 36 from Red bluff to Crecent city on our last trip. THAT is a roller coaster!

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Did 250 on a Corbin yesterday. much better than stock but ultimately reinforced my decision to go to Richs. I'll relate the experience. With a pic if I can figure out how to do it.


Did a big loop thru Montana a couple years ago Eric. A lot like Washington with the variety of country. They don't call it big sky for nothing. Be a good place to land. Bring your long jons.

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Last year I replaced my 15-year old Alaska Leather sheepskin pad with a newer, longer one that covers the seat better. I had glued a piece of memory foam to the underside of the skin, which made a huge difference. I wanted to do the same with the new one, but couldn't find my piece of the stuff. I bought one of these non-slip memory foam kitchen mats from Target:




Cut a section off, stripped off the perimeter fabric, then cut it to fit the seat, pulled off the beige top layer of fabric, chamfered the edges with a grinding wheel, and put it between seat and butt pad, upside down, with the gray non-slip layer on top. My butt is happy again.


If you have a seat whose shape meets your needs, but is too firm (almost always the case with Corbin, to a lesser degree with Sargent), this is an inexpensive mod that makes a world of difference. The foam compresses to about 1/8", so it's not going to add a lot to seat height if you are vertically challenged, like me.

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Slick/cheap idea Selden. We bought the Alaska sheepskins for the 02 and really enjoyed them. Especially when it's hot. Pretty sure they will fit the new seat close enough. The Mrs used hers yesterday to make the stock pillion bearable. Barely.

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