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Nav 5 question - making one continuous route from waypoints - help please


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Thanks in advance for your help - i'm still a newbie with the Nav 5.


I've transferred a gpx. file from Base Camp into Nav 5. It comes into Nav 5 as many, many separate waypoint destinations - each one as a separate ride.


I want to make all the destination one route. Is that possible? This file was emailed to me from a friend. He's not sure how to change it either.



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Evening party


Go back to BaseCamp then bring up all the routes you want to connect, then hold down control & highlight EACH route that you want to connect as one.


Then (with all routes that you what to connect highlighted) simply right click on one of them, then left click Join All Routes.


Now send (import) the connected routes to your GPS.


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Well...worked in Basecamp for hours last night. Tried the highlighting and right clicking.

I believe the file is not a good file. Not enough info in it to make a good route. Seems to just have waypoints. When I right click to make a route, I get all kinds of routes on the map. Very odd looking.


Basecamp can be ........saying it nicely - challenging?

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Morning party


OK, it does sound like he only sent you via points or waypoints.


IF (big if here) you want to try to make a route out of those points you can--


-Start a new list in BaseCamp (of use an empty existing list)--this is so you don't add in other non included waypoints.


-Next, import the waypoints that he sent you into that list.


-Then, highlight all the waypoints (or via points)


-Then right click on the highlighted way points.


The left click on-- create route using selected waypoints.


This WILL give you a route, unfortunately you have no idea IF it will match the route that your friend made.


Maybe have your friend re-send the route not just the waypoints.


Added: or better yet-- have him send you the track then make your own route using the sent track as the guide.





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