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Russell Day-Long Saddle Order Pending!


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I hope y'all haven't been lying to me about these saddles, because I just sent in the order form over the weekend. They're scheduling production about five to six weeks from the time they receive an order, but I've had my production date moved back to late October in order to maximize my odds of being able to enjoy the fall season on two wheels.


I'm excited to finally get a Day-Long. I've suffered through stock BMW saddles and have had experiences with other aftermarket saddle brands, but what I've read about these saddles has me giddy with anticipation.

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That is going to be me in Oct/Nov. I'm in the same boat with that stock seat, and the only reason I have honed in on Russell is the people here. What saddle design/material did you finally pick? I have been leaning towards the Half-moon all vinyl with black and gray color scheme with stock heat retained. I am curious to hear what everyone else has.

On a side note, you do not "send in the check" until you ship them you seat pans, did I get that right?




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In my experience the style of stitching makes very little difference in comfort. I will say that I am now convinced the leather seating surface is more comfortable for all day rides. Not because it breathes ( what would that matter with layers of gear between you and the seat?) but because it conforms better than vinyl. I much prefer vinyl sides, they just hold up so much better.

A word of caution about two tone or other than black seats. Sometimes that sounds really good. But on the bike they sometimes distract from the look of the bike in ways you don't appreciate. But the biggest reason is resale.

The stock heat when transferred to your Russell works.....just like it did on the factory seat and just as good.


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That is going to be me in Oct/Nov. I'm in the same boat with that stock seat, and the only reason I have honed in on Russell is the people here. What saddle design/material did you finally pick? I have been leaning towards the Half-moon all vinyl with black and gray color scheme with stock heat retained. I am curious to hear what everyone else has.

On a side note, you do not "send in the check" until you ship them you seat pans, did I get that right?





I went with the rectangle pattern and medium gray leather inserts/black vinyl sides. No particular reason for the rectangle pattern, except that I like the appearance. They note that the half moon pattern has less stitching and is less susceptible to water infiltration through the needle holes, but this has never been a problem with past saddles I've owned. As far as the color choice is concerned, I thought that the medium gray might be a bit cooler. I inquired about their basketweave vinyl, as I have had some experience with similar material in the past, but the rep I spoke with recommended against it, saying that it was extremely slippery.


I thought about going all vinyl, since it saves $70, as opposed to leather. However, having had leather in the past (on one seat), I do find it to be a better seating surface, with a little more luxurious feel. Since the total tab is pretty high (around $800, with stock heat, shipping and insurance), I opted for leather, reasoning that I may as well spend that extra amount and get exactly what I wanted.


Yes, as I understand it, you can either send them a credit card number or send your check at the time you send in your factory seat. I'm at the edge as far as whether the "heavy duty" suspension is right for me, so I went with the credit card option, figuring that they'll just charge me whatever they decide; I had asked about this, and they said that it's left to the builder's discretion as to whether the seat will be best with or without that option.



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I am on my second Russell seat. Both have been rectangle pattern with black vinyl with the Griptex insert that helps keep me from sliding forward during braking. The Griptex wasn't listed on their website when I ordered last year but a phone call confirmed it was still available.

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