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Hat's off to Garmin

Indy Dave

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As some of you may know - I've struggled with GPS issues the last couple of years. An older, non supported BMW Nav lll and user incompetence being the primary issues. I finally broke down and bought a New 660LM this Spring. My BMW Nav lll was suffering from a wonky touch screen that had a mind of its own and Garmin doesn't fix them. (I found out later from a post that this guy does fix older Garmin units and replaces screens. Palm Dr )


I used the new unit in Colorado without issue. A couple of weeks later, I left the house and after 3 left turns and 5 stop signs, I made another left hand turn - this one a bit quicker - out of the corner of my eye I saw the Garmin go flying off the mount onto the pavement. I was able to do a quick 180 and pull off the road, only to watch a Escalade run right over it and continue on. :cry:





During the meanwhile, I'd sent off the Nav lll to the Palm Dr for a new screen - I just couldn't justify buying another new GPS in such short order. :money:


So I guess I'll have two working units shortly and will sell the Nav lll when the replacement 660 arrives.


Now that I think about it, I better wait till after FART to do that - given my propensity to have GPS issues. :dopeslap:


Kuddo's to Garmin for stepping up and replacing the unit when they had no obligation to do so.

Edited by workin them angels
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Wow good for you that Garmin stepped up. I used Palm DR for my Zumo 550. They fixed it quickly for a reasonable price. See you at the FART.

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In a related story. We had a boat burn up on the trailer in front of our house.


I had the Garmin in the house, but the antenna was attached to the boat. Garmin sold me a replacement antenna at 75% off.

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