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Google Maps- Roads disappear!


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Google Maps has made a change to its Google Maps.


Maybe it is only for those with Macs, but roads that are not in metropolitan areas are now shown with white roads on white background. Duh!


This means if you are trying to make a route or just find a place... it is virtually impossible. If you have this issue please send feedback to Google. To do this, open Google Maps and on the upper lefthand side under the 3 bars/lines scroll down to the place there you can give feedback.


If you have mobile devices using iOS the roads are still visible.


If this issue is also happening on PC based systems please let me hear that too.


I appreciate your comments and if there is any way to make the roads show up please let me know.



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I'm not seeing this on my PC's or my Android phone. Interstates and major highways are yellow, main roads are white on medium gray background, small roads are light gray, becoming white as I zoom in and the road names become visible. Contrast is better if I select satellite view or (on the phone) terrain views.

Edited by lkraus
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Thanks Bob, that's exactly the problem! I never updated my iPad but the family version was. Maps works fine on theirs. Guess an update is due as soon as I unload some pics.




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