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What GPS fits this mount?


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This mount was fitted to a new-to-me '07 R1200RT. It's labelled Garmin.

What GPS unit(s) fit it? I'm not having much luck with some searches, so I'm wondering if its an older unit.


I'm wondering if they are still good choices, or if there are better ones around by now...

Thanks very much,


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Afternoon Doug


Garmin made & sold a ton of different GPS mounts so see if there is any kind of numbers on yours.


Or a picture of yours would sure help us identify it.

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Afternoon Doug


Garmin made & sold a ton of different GPS mounts so see if there is any kind of numbers on yours.


Or a picture of yours would sure help us identify it.


Duh, I didn't attach the photo! Let's see if I can this time...




Edited by DougMcK
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Afternoon Doug


Here is picture of a Garmin Zumo 450/550 (motorcycle) mount --Auto mount is slightly different looking.


That mount has a charging system built into it so can run the battery down if left plugged in & powered up with key off.



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Yes, that's it. Thanks.


I think they must be quite old. I'm only finding one for sale on ebay...

Have these units been badly outclassed by modern devices with larger screens etc, or are the still good enough units?



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Yes, that's it. Thanks.


I think they must be quite old. I'm only finding one for sale on ebay...

Have these units been badly outclassed by modern devices with larger screens etc, or are the still good enough units?



Afternoon Doug


Not really, in it's time the Zumo 550 was/is a good GPS.


The major problems are: the buttons started falling out, some had digitizers fail, & Garmin doesn't support the Z-550 any longer.


The Zumo 550 also has some issues routing correctly with newer map sets & (some) Basecamp made routes. (MapSource still works good with the Z-550 though)


I always liked the Garmin Zumo 550 but probably wouldn't spend much money to buy one now as there are better units available that will take you into the future.

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Obviously it is a zumo 550...


All the above posts are spot-on but let me add... the 550 was/is a great machine. I had one on my '05 RT until I sold it for the '16.


I served me well from its day-one.


For more info you might want to go to the zumoforums web site. I was the first moderator over there but "retired" from that illustrious position several years ago.


The 550 is a competent device and is probably available used at a great price. It should clip right into the base/mount and play... if the mont is correctly wired... basically 12v +/-.


They play well with Garmin Basecamp for building routes etc, and they pair easily to your mobile phone to receive and initiate phone calls. In-fact it works better than the Nav V GPS on the newer bikes for this function. It also stores your mp3 music for entertainment along the road.and with added memory you can have thousands of tunes available.


For Audio you need to pair to a headset or possibly via bike speakers.


Good luck.

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The 550 is a competent device and is probably available used at a great price. It should clip right into the base/mount and play... if the mont is correctly wired... basically 12v +/-.


They play well with Garmin Basecamp for building routes etc, and they pair easily to your mobile phone to receive and initiate phone calls. In-fact it works better than the Nav V GPS on the newer bikes for this function. It also stores your mp3 music for entertainment along the road.and with added memory you can have thousands of tunes available.



Morning Hopz


That was in the past-- Garmin has issued this as there are now many problems getting the Z-550 to play nice with Basecamp.


There are ways to get the Z-550 to (usually) work with Basecamp generated routes but it is not always easy & not always a for-sure thing.


From Garmin support--



***The following devices are NOT compatible with routing in BaseCamp:

•zumo 400 series

•zumo 500 and 550

•zumo 660 and 665

These devices may appear to take a route without issue however, when navigating the route, an error message may appear. An alternate program to use is Mapsource. First, download the map to your computer then, use MapSource to create and transfer routes to your zumo.***

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Yes, that's it. Thanks.


I think they must be quite old. I'm only finding one for sale on ebay...

Have these units been badly outclassed by modern devices with larger screens etc, or are the still good enough units?



Actually, I have a Zumo 550 that I had never gotten around to listing on eBay! Got both motorcycle and car mounts with it! PM me with an offer if you'd like!

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From Garmin support--



***The following devices are NOT compatible with routing in BaseCamp:

•zumo 400 series

•zumo 500 and 550

•zumo 660 and 665

These devices may appear to take a route without issue however, when navigating the route, an error message may appear. An alternate program to use is Mapsource. First, download the map to your computer then, use MapSource to create and transfer routes to your zumo.***



I've seen this posted several times before. Honestly, I don't get it. I have a 450 and it has had zero problems with Basecamp. I've received tons of routes (STARTS, FARTS, UNs) from folks as well as built hundreds myself. It transfers everytime to the device without problem and it navigates without any error. I've never seen an error message on my 450.

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Morning Mike


Your findings seem kind of common with the Z-450/Z-550.


I also have an old Z-550 that seldom gives me routing anomalies from Basecamp built routes. (to me the problem seems to be time stamp & route activity related)


In any case, very precisely built B/C routes with few avoidances & rather short routes don't seem to show a lot errors on the Z-550. Longer B/C routes with many avoidances, switchbacks & crossovers will/can give routing errors & even lock the route up so it won't even work until the GPS is shut down & re-booted.


On the Z-550 my standard work-around is to turn off all GPS & B/C avoidances & set the route activity to NONE (bowling pin) & if a long or complex route then copy it from B/C into MapSource & transfer to the Z-550 directly from MapSource.


Personally I am very careful & precise in making Z-550 routes in general & even more careful if using B/C so I have few issues myself. I do ride with a few riders that are still using the old Z-4oo,5oo,6oo series GPS units & we usually have at least one routing failure in those users per ride. (some not serious & others a complete lock up)


I guess for local rides & short non-complex trips the Z-450/Z-550 & B/C routes are probably not a big issue. I sure wouldn't want to be a ride leader on a complex route for a group using a Z-550 & B/C generated/transferred routes. (my goal is "O" routing issues when I lead a ride)


Older NT mapping seems way less susceptible to lock-ups on the Z-550 & older B/C versions seem to work better with the Z-550.


Another thing that kind of comes into play on the Zumo series is the automatic (unintended) route recalculation upon a major route reversal. Even with recalculation turned off on the Zumo they can (& sometimes will) recalculate when riding backwards on an active route (like missing a turn then turning around & riding back over the same road). On a stable well assembled route with good solid shaping points that usually isn't big deal as they can usually survive a recalculation without change but on a marginal route, or one with poor via point placement, it can change the remainder of the route to not remain as built or intended.


I guess if what you are using & doing now is working for you then no reason to not keep doing it that way.


If you do ever have problems start showing up in using B/C routes in your Z-450 one thing we have been playing with & finding that (seems to work) is to transfer the route into the Zumo in track form (transfer in as a track). The Zumo can't use an imported track directly as a track so it converts it to route & so far that has really decreased the Zumo routing failures that we were seeing in the past. (might be just luck or might be a good workaround but so far it seems to be working)

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In the first place... I was very reluctant to mention Basecamp.


I believe it is evil and part of a vast conspiracy initiated by Garmin to drive customers away. It seems clear to me that they have a back room somewhere where some seriously messed-up software guys are laughing their butts off.


But I digress... if you can find a copy of Mapsource and learn how to use it instead of Basecamp your life will take on a rosy glow and all will be well.

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Afternoon Hopz


But Basecamp can do many/many things with routes & tracks that MapSource couldn't even dream of.


Once you acquire the magic wave & super secret handshake then Basecamp is really a great route/track producer that allows making complex routes & tracks a piece of cake.

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I forced myself to learn Basecamp by buying an inexpensive "cage" GPS that would not work with Mapsource.

I am now converted....this years motorcycle tour was planned completely using Basecamp.



Edited by John Bentall
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Yes... I understand about BC, and I have learned how to use it to a certain degree, but it does mysterious things at mysterious times.


True Story... I was trying to make a route from home in Colorado to a location in Austin, Texas. It allowed me to generally go the route I wanted but after the custom route was made and then reviewed... It autonomously changed the route to its preferred path.


Struggled.... no effect....


Called Garmin. One tech, then a higher level support all had the same issue. They finally said they did not know why it was doing that, and they replicated the problem. Basically the final answer was to live with it. Disappointed.


But, once I figured out how to make and customize a route in Gmaps then convert it to *.gpx. format all is well. The use Basecamp to get the route to the GPS.


I can use BC but I find it to be a lot of trouble.



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