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R1200ST Pannier failure / need repair


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Good Morning,


I am digging around looking for someone or company that can offer repairs to my pannier. My right side lid latch has failed / broken and now the lid will not stay closed. Of course I tried to take it apart myself (being an aircraft mechanic I can fix anything right?) and was able to get it open and to the point that the plastic broken piece fell out of the locking housing.


I am located in Texas right outside of San Antonio. I would like to not have to spend $500 to replace the entire pannier as the housing / lid is fine.


I'll tell you what though. Having the thing pop open while doing 85 down the high way was an interesting event.


Thanks for the advice / help / information.



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I suppose it could be done but normally, one buys a new or used bag and swaps over ones old lid and lock.


There are some parts avaialbe from bmw if you can determine what broke.




The linkage on these is known for breaking but normally it breaks so the bag cannot be open and surgery is required to retrieve your socks and beef jerky.


What happens normally, is the sliding fingers get dirty from road grime and dry and it takes more force to latch them ,then the plastic bits break.

Keeping the latch mechanism clean and lubed will extend the life of your bags.

BUT since your bike is what, a 2005ish ? Not a bad run and I'm sure it has low miles which helped.


Sorry to be so dismissive about it breaking but sadly, we saw this often along with other great ideas by the mothership using plastic and overly complicated designs and I think I'm just numb to a few things breaking well before they should.

Another notable shame was the latching mechanism on the trunk of the K1200LT. When, not if, but when, it broke, a new trunk was I think a couple grand.

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Thanks you all for the information. I was afraid that was i guessed was true, no repairs unless replaced. Seems a shame.


Well I pulled them off and left the top one on. Looks silly but it will have to do for now.


I'll check out the beemer boneyard and see what they have.


I hope everyone had a nice thanksgiving weekend.



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Thanks you all for the information. I was afraid that was i guessed was true, no repairs unless replaced. Seems a shame.


Well I pulled them off and left the top one on. Looks silly but it will have to do for now.





It might very well be repairable (depends on exactly what broke & where it broke). Once the inner & outer are separated this .PDF might help you understand the parts replacement procedure. (some parts are available from BMW). So once you figure out what you need to replace you can see if it's available from BVMW.



Repair Procedure-clik here

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