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1 hour ago, wbw6cos said:

That squirrel is gonna get bullied by the others.



Naw, just put him to work protesting something. :spittake:

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Thats a man that had dine this before and probably many times

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^ There’s a scene in Animal House (you all know which one) (tested it, can’t post it.:rofl:

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I hate these rodents.

We have one very large avocado tree that can bear 3000 plus. 

When the squirrels come and peck on the fruit, screwing it up in a random way it's time for them to get shot and buried so the tree can consume'em. :jaw:

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Get a serious pellet rifle, 20 caliber with scope.  Depending on proximity of neighbors, a 22 with a suppressor.  Tree squirrels are good to eat.  Make good gravy as well.  Avacado fed otta be quite nice.  :lick:

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5 hours ago, roadscholar said:



Wonder if they even know how to mix that stuff,........it's a very precise algorithm of measurements that goes into making sure it is of proper consistancy.  The chemicals involved that are needed to add are very volatile and the average person shouldn't be allowed near it, very expensive too.

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I worked in a pizza parlor while going to college.  I absolutely hate pineapple on pizza and can't imagine why others think it's good.  Ours was a Canadian bacon and pineapple offering.  It wasn't a popular item, but we never got yuk feed back.  Now anchovies, that's a whole nuther topic.

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I've eaten mucho pizza in the birthplace of pizza itself, Napoli.


I don't recall if it was there or some other foreign locale that was serving pizza's, alls I knew was that I wasn't fluent in the language of the menu or the waiter.  Ordered what I thought was a good pizza, and in the middle, dead center, was an uncooked egg.  You got it, bulbous yolk surrounded by albumen,.....talk about yuk factor,.......nope didn't eat it......but ate around it.  

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10 hours ago, Red said:

....can't imagine why others think it's good.

There's nothing more subjective in life than food choices. The "Hawaiian" with back bacon is in our rotation of favorites. Kinda interesting history too:


Hawaiian pizza


Now you people that put cream and/or sugar in yer coffee....blech!

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4 minutes ago, syntorz said:


Now you people that put cream and/or sugar in yer coffee....blech!


I like a little coffee with my sugar.


I used to think I liked coffee, but what I've realized is, I like creamer

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1 hour ago, syntorz said:

Now you people that put cream and/or sugar in yer coffee....blech!

Right there with you.

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10 minutes ago, Hosstage said:

Right there with you.


Coffee ain't made for flavor, it's made for the jolt,.....and adding suga, lots a suga, to it, gives additional watts to run by:classic_biggrin:


On the flip side, I've "dipped" coffee on multi-night patrols:classic_biggrin:

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6 hours ago, Rougarou said:


On the flip side, I've "dipped" coffee on multi-night patrols:classic_biggrin:

Dummy me, I went to look it up:


"Dip-style coffee, not to be confused with drip-style coffee, gives anyone the ability to make delicious coffee anywhere. Much like with tea, you steep an individual coffee bag in hot water and wait a few minutes."


So I have a vision of Roug and his battle mates making pour-over coffee in the deserts of Iraq...


He means the other "dip" :facepalm:



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The little packet that says "coffee", wet it, then put it in your lip just like copenhagen.  That's dipping coffee




In the field, my standard brew in a canteen cup was two coffees, two creamers, two sugars and two cocoas. 


Oh, BTW, that little packet on the bottom right,.......that's you're toilet paper,.....good luck with that

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Joe Frickin' Friday
4 hours ago, roadscholar said:





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33 minutes ago, Joe Frickin' Friday said:



That's called sleeping in.  


I naturally awake anywhere from 0330-0530, anything after that is wasted hours in bed.....when I do make it to 0630, wife comments that I've "slept in".

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Joe Frickin' Friday
14 minutes ago, Rougarou said:

I naturally awake anywhere from 0330-0530, anything after that is wasted hours in bed.....when I do make it to 0630, wife comments that I've "slept in".


Pretty much where I'm at.  These days, it's a good night if I'm able to get meaningful sleep after 3:30.  My brother and sister, 6.5 and 8 years older than me respectively, are both taking Remeron to treat their insomnia; one of these days I may have to do the same.

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11 minutes ago, Joe Frickin' Friday said:


Pretty much where I'm at.  These days, it's a good night if I'm able to get meaningful sleep after 3:30.  My brother and sister, 6.5 and 8 years older than me respectively, are both taking Remeron to treat their insomnia; one of these days I may have to do the same.


It's not insomnia, it's my body is rested enough.  That could be three, four hours sleep or seven-eight.  Generally hit the rack at 2200ish, and if my eyes open, I get out of the bed.  Doesn't matter the time/hours slept.  I also don't feel tired when my eyes open.  And I never, ever sleep during the day, no naps.

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Naps should be mandatory. Every now and then after work I'll just zonk out sitting up on the couch for a half hour. Refreshing.

I'm usually good for 6 hours of sleep at night, then I'm awake. If I try to get a couple more hours in, my body aches when I get up.

And before you start in with naps are a waste of time, remember my workout regimen,



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Working on the Chief right now. Brad can train me how to operate it! ;)



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13 minutes ago, TEWKS said:

Working on the Chief right now. Brad can train me how to operate it! ;)





Go big or go home



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Ha! I have a friend who back in 79 or 80 rode his Honda 900 from Pittsburgh down here in N.C. to visit. Somewhere on his way down he lost his shifter. He squeezed a pair of vice grips on and finished the complete trip using them as the shifter.

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Circa 1967 I had a Hodaka Ace 100 that had a pair of vice-grips for the shifter.  I had a string tied around the vice- grips that I would pull on to shift up.  I rode it that way for at least 2 years until I sold it....vice-grips not included.

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2 minutes ago, Joe Frickin' Friday said:







Love it!!!!!

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5 hours ago, roadscholar said:





That's my wife and I when doing a project.


On the work side, I've got a co-worker that we get loud with each other,.....looks like we're arguing, but it's how he and I communicate.  We went to lunch one day, I rode with him, other co-workers following us.  We get to the restaurant, one asked me what we were arguing about,.....I was confused, as we were just having a conversation.



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